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Maslulim programs for preschoolers

​Reality proves that children growing up in underprivileged communities are not given the opportunity and means required to realize their potential. In many cases, the development of these children is delayed because they do not receive the assistance they need to catch up with the growing gaps between them and other children.

Early childhood is a particularly critical age for the cognitive, social and emotional development of children, it has a significant impact on the continuation of their adult lives. Studies show that investing in education in the first years of life yields the highest return in the educational, economic, social and health fields.

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​The age at which preschool children enter educational settings and the length of time they stay in them, as well as their access to high-quality educational settings, are significantly influenced by the socio-economic status of their family (Taub Institute, research on preschool settings in Israel in an international comparison, Dana and Kanin).

The preschool track program is based on an ecological model, which observes the child as surrounded and influenced by his environment consisting of different circles (parents, educational staff, friends and community), while creating a sequence of tormentors. The program accompanies the toddler/child throughout his first years and in cooperation with municipal professional bodies such as: the Education Department, the Social Security Department (welfare), Shafah, the health funds and more. The professionals who accompany the programs build a personal intervention path for each child, with an emphasis on creating a sequence of answers in the transitions between the educational frameworks and the starting point for optimal integration into them.

Program goals
Skills and abilities improvement in compulsory kindergarten children
Reducing the number of children with developmental delays
Reading acquisition improvement of first grade children
first grade readiness level  Improvement

Our model – מסלול for every child

"Sh., 10 years old, first year at the Pathways Learning Center in Bat Yam, studies with mentor Shirley Khashon. S. found it very difficult to understand, and was afraid of failure, the mentor explained to him that it's okay to make mistakes but the path is more important. S. has learning disabilities but persistence His is very high, S. always arrives before time, cooperates and listens to his tutor. Together they managed to reduce gaps in math and reached the level of his class."

The programs for toddlers from birth to 3

A support and information group for mothers on maternity leave with babies from birth to six months.

A group of 10 participating mothers and also participating fathers on maternity leave with the babies, for a weekly meeting under professional guidance: enrichment workshops of relevant professionals from various fields related to parenting, child rearing and infant development. The purpose of the program is to strengthen the parent-child bond as a basis for the normal development of babies, creating awareness of the needs and development of babies, providing information and tools for optimal parenting and empowering mothers and fathers.

Kindergarten with mom, babies from the age of six months and toddlers up to the age of three.

A group intended for about 15 mothers and toddlers who are not part of a kindergarten/daycare/nursery, who meet for two hours once a week with a professional facilitator alongside other professionals (from the field of developmental guidance, communication therapist, educational psychologist, etc.). Each session includes a guided activity and a free activity that contributes to the development of parent-child relationships. During the activity, there is individual observation and guidance of parents by a professional woman. The goals of the program: early detection of developmental delays and their prevention, access to services for the treatment of toddlers, language enrichment, strengthening the parent-child relationship and providing tools and knowledge for optimal parenting.

Detection and prevention of developmental gaps in kindergartens and daycare centers from the age of 0-3

The program takes place in day care centers in the neighborhoods in cooperation with the Department of Social Affairs, the National Program 360 and the Child Development Unit. The program includes professional supervision of the daycare staff by a speech therapist and an occupational therapist, in order to locate children who need intervention / treatment, reduce gaps and promote language enrichment. The professional supervision includes The presence of a speech therapist two hours a week in the kindergarten at a fixed time when the director of the daycare is present.

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The programs for toddlers from the age of 3 - 6

Reduction and prevention of lip gaps in kindergartens ages 3-6 years

Integration of speech therapists and student volunteers for communication disorders in kindergartens in the neighborhood, in cooperation with the education department and educational staff, child development centers/department for communication disorders, the children's parents and other partners. As part of the program, a mapping of the children was conducted and the identification of children in need of individual work and connection to the oppressed in the community. After the mapping, the children get to work individually and in small groups, within the framework of the kindergarten, with the clinicians and with the students in order to promote them and prevent and reduce lip gaps. Children identified with developmental delays/suspected difficulties are referred in an accessible manner, for further investigation and treatment at child development centers ("fast track for diagnosis and treatment"). At the same time, education staff are being trained to continue working to promote language and literacy with the children in the kindergartens participating in the program.

Reducing gaps and oral enrichment in preparation for the first grade in the compulsory kindergartens

Teacher for remedial instruction in the compulsory kindergartens - preparing the children for first grade and reducing gaps so that they can succeed and arrive ready for first grade.

Preparation for first grade, step 1

Verbal enrichment workshops - for compulsory kindergarten children, located by the educational staff and held in the afternoon: the purpose of the workshop is to reduce verbal gaps and complete skills taught in kindergarten and to get the necessary training for preparation for first grade. The workshop is intended for compulsory kindergarten children and its goals are expanding vocabulary, rhyming, strengthening fine motor skills, developing curiosity and a sense of competence. We work with children identified by the kindergarteners.

Preparation for first grade, step 2

Enrichment workshops, for children located by the Menorah staff and held in the afternoon: the purpose of the workshop is to complete the skills taught in kindergarten and strengthen them for first grade (organization for learning, organization in space, social skills) and learning: letters, numbers, quantitative and visual perception, learning habits in the classroom and strengthening the sense of competence. The children will be referred to the workshop after mapping and the recommendations of the teams, following the intervention program in the kindergartens.

Workshops and lectures for parents on preparation for first grade

In collaboration with Nativim for parenting/SHA.

Parent-Child Club

A weekly meeting for language enrichment and strengthening the parent-child bond under professional supervision. About 12 pairs of parents and children participate in the afternoon.


First grade preparation for kindergarten children is mandatory - a daily framework during the summer vacation and near the beginning of this year, for one or two weeks, in cooperation with the elementary school in the city. Teachers from among the school's educational staff and reinforced by a large team of volunteers (each 'class' is appointed 15 children with a teacher and 3 volunteers!) The purpose of the activity is to complete skills learned in kindergarten and strengthen them for first grade (organization for learning, organization in space, social skills) and learning: letters, numbers, quantitative and visual perception, learning habits in the classroom and strengthening the sense of competence.

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